BUNTER BALL an der Lessinggrundschule in Ingolstadt und der Grundschule Karlsfeld

Тепле привітання!

From 1 June 2022, refugees from Ukraine will be able to take out health insurance in Germany.

Requirements for insurance with BKK ProVita

  • You are registered in the Central Register of Foreign Nationals (AZR) and possess a probationary certificate or a residence permit in accordance with § 24 para. 1 of the Residence Act (AufenthG)

The following insurance possibilities exist:

  • Do you draw Arbeitslosengeld II unemployment benefit? In this case the job centre will pay your contributions.
  • Are you already employed in Germany? Then your employer will pay half of your contribution.
  • Do you not receive any benefit payments from the job centre or social welfare authorities? Then you have the possibility of voluntary insurance. In this case the contribution is to be paid by you.

As a member of BKK ProVita you will become part of a highly effective and pioneering health insurance scheme.

To insure yourself with us, you can simply fill out our application now and benefit from all our services from the first day.

Our services for you and your family:

As a statutory health insurance scheme we will of course take on the costs for treatment by the doctor, dentist and hospital, as well as medicines. We also offer you further services, however:

Up to €200 bonus

With our attractive bonus programmes you will receive up to €200 bonus a year depending on the measures performed.

Free family insurance

In the framework of family insurance, children can also be insured free of charge. The same applies to spouses, life partners (registered civil partnership with same-sex marriage) with low income.

Sickness and maternity benefit

BKK ProVita also provides you with security for when you cannot work.

Child sickness benefit

Your child is sick and you cannot go to work? You will receive sickness benefit from us for the care of your child.

Pregnancy and birth

In order to be able to recognise and treat any possible risks and changes early on, we offer you several preventive examinations during pregnancy – for greater safety for mother and child. We will of course also pay for the costs of clinic delivery.

Do you still have questions?

We will be happy to advise you on 0800/664 88 08. (From Monday to Thursday, 8.00-17.00, and Friday 8.00-13.00)

Would you like to insure yourself immediately?

This is very easy with our application.


BKK Provita

Hier schreibt die Redaktion der BKK ProVita.